Saturday, September 7, 2024

How the National Endowment for Democracy Manufactures Regime Change Around the World

To most people the National Endowment for Democracy, probably looks like a pretty innocuous organization. But when you examine the records of those who control it and its affiliates, it starts to look like they’re running a shadow foreign policy, sometimes acting in ways that are contrary to the wishes of the powers that be in Washington.

Syria: A Ticking Time Bomb

The conflict in Syria continues to escalate and could ignite “a massive war between major world powers.” Bombs and destruction must come to a stop and a resolution must be reached for the major nations involved.

Latest US War Crime is the Murderous Destruction of a Hospital in Afghanistan

The best statement President Obama could come up with after the U.S. bombed and destroyed a hospital in Afghanistan, killing innocent civilians and volunteer doctors from Doctors Without Borders, was “We’re sorry”? This is why the rest of the world hates the U.S.

Underlying Reasons for the Raging Syrian War: Competing Natural Gas Pipelines

President Obama says we must get involved with the conflict in Syria to help destroy ISIS, but what if that is not entirely the case? Could a pipeline issue in Syria be the true reason the U.S. has gotten involved? As this crisis deepens we will find out.

Why are We Witnessing This Middle East Humanitarian Crisis? Ask the U.S. Government

The U.S. government needs to realize they can no longer get away with these aggressive military operations; especially in the Middle East. It is time we put a stop to these endless wars and massive military costs.

Mantra for 9/11

Fourteen years later and we are still living in an improbable world. Tom Engelhardt discusses the wars, interventions, assassinations, tortures, kidnappings, the growth of the American national security state and the spread of Islamic extremism.

Searching for Rojava

Rojava’s experiment is no more than a radical democracy, which grew out of a cult of personality. So why is an experiment in direct democracy under siege the best-kept secret in the Middle East?

Drones: The Rapidly Growing Menace to America and the World

The U.S. government has been approved to use drones, not only in the Middle East, but in the U.S. This might be a technological breakthrough, but numerous issues will occur that cannot be undone.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 70 Years After the Atomic Bombs Were Dropped

While devastation and suffering came from those two awful bomb blasts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a nuclear abolition movement was born that still wages a peaceful campaign to eliminate these weapons.

Requiem for the Home Front

Tom Engelhardt tells a little story about a bottle, a message, time, war (American-style), his mother and himself. Here's to Irma the caricaturist.