Monday, September 16, 2024

New Bernie Sanders Campaign Ad Vows to End U.S. Quagmires in the Middle East

In his recent campaign ad, Sanders stated his determination to destroy the global threat of ISIS but not without cooperation from our allies.

The Best, Most Effective Way to Stem This Rising Tide of Terrorism

It is time the Western world steps up to minimize and prevent acts of terrorism rather than just reacting to something that has already occurred.

The Execution of Nimr Al-Nimr: One More Reason to Re-evaluate the Toxic U.S.-Saudi Alliance

The killing of Sheikh Al-Nimr should serve as a prime moment for the U.S. to reconsider its alliance with the Saudi regime, a regime that not only denies human rights to its own people but exports death and destruction abroad.

The Most Important Neglected Middle East Stories of 2015

The past 12 months saw enormous political, economic and military shifts in the Middle East, changing its geopolitics for the foreseeable future.

U.S. Government Wasted $231 Million on Failed Missile Defense Program

Although Congress approved another year of funding, PTSS was officially killed off on October 1, 2013, after spending $231 million on the doomed program.

An American Society Plagued By Deepening Divisions, Irreconcilable Differences, Ongoing Violence

The U.S. seems more divided than ever as chaos continues throughout the world. Opposing political sides seem to be at war with each other during a time when we should be working together.

Yemen’s Forgotten War: The Complicated Conflict That Almost No One is Talking About

To paraphrase one Middle Eastern prophet, the leadership and media of western countries need to remove the log from their own eye before they will ever be able to help the greater Middle East remove the splinter from its own.

Why Big Brother Lies (And How He Gets Away with It)

Peter Van Buren did something no US diplomat is allowed to do. He told the truth and told it to the wrong people – us. Our government is not in the habit of telling us – the governed – what it's up to.

Candidates for 2015’s “Hypocrite of the Year”

There are so many candidates. But the people included here stand out in their various areas of nefarious behavior: warmaking, tax avoidance, consumer gouging, environmental destruction, and criminal arrogance.

Russia, Putin Take the Offensive, Set the Agenda in Syria

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, is “in the process of setting the agenda in Syria.” It is time nations joined together to figure out a solution to take down ISIS instead of working solo.