All bets are off as Republican democracy killers concoct ever-scarier nightmares
While Democrats work at marginal political solutions, the radical right heads for the rocks, crying “full steam ahead.”
Syria – What happens next
Without outside assistance, it will take decades to rebuild Syria.
Murder as messaging
Under Trump, U.S. foreign policy hits violent new lows.
Israeli army official admits Gaza bombing campaign is focused on ‘damage and not on...
"This is a violation of international humanitarian law. The [international] community must stop condoning such violations."
Israeli war crimes and propaganda follow US blueprint
Israel's war crimes in Gaza and the propaganda by which it justifies them are based on the weak—and incorrect—interpretations of the Geneva Conventions that the U.S. has relied on throughout its recent wars.
How can America wake up from its post-9/11 nightmare?
After 20 years of war and militarism that has only left the world a more dangerous place and accelerated America’s decline, we must choose the path of peace.
Why Do Veterans Support Donald Trump?
Many military vets wrote in to say they absolutely do not support Trump, and are afraid that he would put our troops in more danger.
Israel is committing an epic war crime with US backing and arms
Where is the U.S. peace movement and the U.S. public outrage?
How the war industry corrupts the US Congress
Join us in building an economy that is not dependent on killing and maiming people to boost the profits of weapons manufacturers.
The pandora’s box of war
None of the insurgents in the region will willingly lay down their weapons until the U.S. occupation of the Middle East ends.