Three failing experiments?
Mine, America’s, and humanity’s.
Beyond ISIS
For a rich and powerful nation to conclude that it has no choice but to engage in quasi-permanent armed conflict in the far reaches of the planet represents the height of folly. Power confers choice.
Mad bombers just so 20th century
Help us impeach this Tweeting Nuclear Option—and for Trump the nuclear option is not REPEAT NOT a metaphor.
Enough folded flags: Military families speak out against the Afghanistan War
A nation that doesn't remember the people sent to fight on its behalf has no business sending more.
Don’t Be Fooled — Lindsey Graham and the GOP Establishment Are Just as Crazy...
That Graham looks at Trump and sees someone speaking in a completely different diction from himself, or hears the crazy in Trump’s pronouncements but not in his known, just underlines how hard it is for us to estimate our own failings.
The demolition of US global power
Donald Trump’s road to debacle in the greater Middle East.
After 20 years and over $2.6 trillion, the US has lost its longest war...
And we still aren’t truly leaving, as Biden says bombings will still continue, as will “over the horizon” attacks on the Taliban.
A nonviolent strategy to liberate Syria
The difference between success and failure in any struggle is the soundness of the strategy.
9/11 at 20: Two decades of missed opportunities
In the face of all this suffering, it’s clear that $21 trillion in spending hasn’t made us any safer.
China and America: Polar Opposites
The United States and China are polar opposites when it comes to many things like war, the economy, and power. The U.S. was once the economic power of the world, but China seems to be flourishing while the U.S. is diminishing.