Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Planting Fear Into the American Mind

It seems, in order to pass a certain agenda, modern time presidents will use the idea of fear. Keeping U.S. citizens afraid of terrorism and other countries have let aggressive military policy become justified.

Today’s Top Seven Myths About Islamic State

While ISIS continues to haunt the nightmares of Western journalists and security analysts, Juan Cole points out some assertions about the "Islamic State" that are truly exaggerated and completely incorrect.

Egypt Makes Libya the New Front in Anti-ISIS War, 4 Years After NATO Left...

The recent attacks in Libya are being called "the worst political crisis and escalation of violence" since the overthrowing of Gaddafi in 2011. Will foreign governments intervene in Libya again? Watch as Democracy Now addresses this concern.

In Whose America?

Tom Engelhardt reflects on the state of America: machine Guns, MRAPs, surveillance, drones, permanent war and a permanent election campaign. Don’t be shocked—we, the people, are less in control of anything.

The Drums of War Thunder Across America – And the World

The threat of war in the U.S. leaves American citizens in a state of frustration along with the rest of the world. Those who hold the power in the U.S. government, however, are far from war-weary.

The Terror We Give Is the Terror We Get

Is the barbarism we condemn the barbarism we commit? Chris Hedges discusses the line that separates the U.S. from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and how terror has become the engine of war.

War: Where 69¢ of Each of Your Tax Dollars Goes

A high majority of U.S. tax dollars are not going to schools, universities, parks, roads, science, environment, or health, but to war. In order to shy away from this type of militaristic government, we need a peace president and congress.

Will Europe Obediently Follow the US into a Catastrophic War?

The EU has the opportunity to avoid taking the same steps the U.S. did when it comes to war. They have the opportunity to move in a positive direction and reject the dictates of Washington. But will they?

Williams Incident: Reagan and Bush Lied About Military Records but Got a Pass

Many conservatives are currently criticizing NBC nightly news anchor Brian Williams for embellishing an experience he had at the beginning of the Iraq War. These same conservatives, however, continue idolizing Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush who “embellished” a lot of stories in wartime.

Remembrance of Wars Past

We are missing any sense of connection to the government. While past administrations are to blame for this, Tom Engelhardt describes why there is no massive antiwar movement in America.