Monday, September 16, 2024

Despite calls for diplomacy to end war, US confirms more weapons headed to Ukraine

"The chances of a nuclear war increase significantly every day that passes."

Leaker, Speaker, Soldier, Spy

The charmed life of David Petraeus...

‘There simply is no safe place in Gaza’: Aid groups demand ceasefire as Israel...

“We desperately need a ceasefire in order to be able to finally address these dire needs.”

Why is cryptocurrency popular in war zone areas, with an example of Ukraine and...

Until the circumstance changes, Idlib's trades and exchanging work areas will probably stay connected up to the digital currency economy, even as close to every day airstrikes focus on the towns and field encompassing them.

Our Jihadis and Theirs

The “greatest threat” to Americans isn't the brutal jihadist movement happening thousands of miles away, it's armed life in this country. Tom Engelhardt discusses the real dangers of American life.

At the end of this hated war, we need truth

The U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan should force a reckoning with a long history of military intervention.

Syrian missile attack, an opportunity to challenge militarism

We must lift the fog of war before it gets too thick.

Why Trump is so wrong on Iran

The stain left by Trump on our reputation will carry costs to us and our children that we cannot begin to imagine.

How drones in Ukraine help fuel propaganda and shape perception

These unmanned flying machines are also contributing to an information war.

Three failing experiments?

Mine, America’s, and humanity’s.