Saturday, September 7, 2024

No one should listen to Tony Blair on Afghanistan, here’s why

The former Prime Minister has no conscience at all and feels no guilt for all those maimed and lost in his wars of choice.

Roses dressed in black

The words and actions of our nation’s leaders have revealed a staggering, even willful, historical amnesia about the disastrous repercussions of America’s twenty-first-century war-mongering.

Greenwald: White House spread false story about Venezuela burning aid trucks to win support...

"Every time the U.S. wants to start a new war, it does it the same way, which is, it invents some really inflammatory, emotionally wrenching lie that gets people to hate the government they want to topple so much that they set their rationality aside and support the war."

Three Surprising Reasons Saudi Arabia May Be Getting Out of the Oil Business (Video)

In as little as fifteen to twenty years, petroleum may be illegal in some places; and will be in retreat everywhere.

Militant MadAmerika

“In her great piece, Sara Gray makes the connection between kids playing at 'first person shooter games' and being in live combat. She explains how these kinds of games desensitize heavy players to images of violence- thus, isn't it easy to imagine shooting someone in real life when you spend all day simulating shooting someone?”

Why the Founders Would Decry What America has Become

If the Founding Fathers saw what the United States has become, they would be devastated. Poverty, income inequality, suppression of speaking ones mind, crime, war, and oligarch like behaviors all make up this new U.S. It is far from being the democracy it was created as.

Nine young children killed: The full details of botched U.S. raid in Yemen

Together Yemeni soldiers and U.S. air power only succeeded in driving the terrorists into the mountains.

School shooters and drones

In its endless wars, America has been the true school shooter on this planet, terrorizing the global classroom with a remarkable lack of consequences.

How bad could things get?

The late ‘60s and early ‘70s were crazy, but we’re looking wilder.

Israeli documents reveal extensive efforts to influence US discourse on Gaza war

Leaked documents expose a coordinated campaign by the Israeli government to shape American public opinion and policy regarding the Gaza conflict.