Monday, September 16, 2024

US double standard: Russia sanctioned for Ukraine occupation, but 4,000 new Israeli invaders of...

Washington is attempting to reshape the entire world so as to get Putin back out of Ukraine, and we see exactly what it looks like when an illegal Occupation is genuinely unacceptable to the White House.

Civil war in Iraq? Is Dubai safe? Or World War 3: An analysis of...

Iran will never even try to indulge in a one-on-one war with the United States.

Israel’s military is part of the US war machine

As the carnage in Gaza continues, Washington is rushing to provide extra military assistance worth $14 billion.

Gaza: Grand bargain or wider war?

The United States can go big on diplomacy or on military destruction. Which way will Biden lean?

Blood in the sand

The U.S. has nothing to show for its efforts after trillions of dollars were spent on wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and beyond, but blood in the sand.

Pentagon contractors seizing new gold rush to cash in on the Ukraine crisis

How Pentagon contractors are cashing in on the Ukraine crisis.

Biden considering deploying thousands of troops to Eastern Europe

"Ukraine demands a diplomatic and political resolution."

Gaza grapples with health emergency amid rising infectious disease cases

Gaza faces a dire health crisis with over 360,000 infectious disease cases in shelters, highlighting the devastating impact of Israel's blockade and a collapsing healthcare system.

Pentagon’s financial abyss: Sanders exposes decades of dodged audits and rampant fraud

Amidst soaring defense spending, a new GAO report uncovers the Pentagon's chronic evasion of basic fraud prevention measures, with Senator Bernie Sanders leading the charge for accountability.

The Number of U.S. Troops in Iraq Is Approaching 6,000

Likely, down the line the US will get pulled right back into Iraq, because it refuses to recognize the real power dynamics there at the level of policy rather than just of tactics.