Wednesday, September 18, 2024

President Obama Joins Forces with Corporate America and the GOP

President Obama comes off as serious, low drama, and personable, but Corporate America has definitely got the best of him. Obamacare, the TPP, and the never ending war the U.S. is responsible for proves he and his government are easy manipulated.

U.S. Global Hegemony Knows No Bounds

The U.S. government is acting in an aggressive manner towards the rest of the world as if to achieve world domination and power. War and militaristic action are how they plan to achieve this goal and have been using these tactics for years.

Thou Shalt Not Kill

The U.S. military machine has committed egregious war crimes and serves not to democracy or freedom, but corporate profit. We should think before we bow to glorious violence and war.

How America Invites Terrorism

Maybe it's time we inform our soldiers of their likely roles in the killing machine, because war does not bring freedom. Instead, it invites young men and women to start on their own personal worlds of terror.

U.S. in the Middle East: Where You Don’t Belong You Must Not Stay

The U.S. should not be in the Middle East, but the U.S. government will not be pulling out troops when there is still oil and natural gas there. At some point in time, other countries will get so tired of this endless war they will step in to put an end to it.

China and America: Polar Opposites

The United States and China are polar opposites when it comes to many things like war, the economy, and power. The U.S. was once the economic power of the world, but China seems to be flourishing while the U.S. is diminishing.

Writing History Before It Happens

With an emphasis on the U.S. national security state and its follies, Tom Engelhardt explores nine repeat headlines, each a "surefire" news story guaranteed to appear sometime in the U.S. news stream between June 2015 and the unknown future.

Did Jeb Bush Just Commit a War Crime in Justifying the Iraq War?

Jeb Bush routinely speaks in a fascist manner about launching an attack on Iran. But with there being no trial for anyone guilty of war crimes or crimes against humanity in the Bush administration, does this mean that the lawless and fascistic tradition will continue?

US Still Seeks Jail for ‘Fighter’ Captured at 15 in Afghanistan

While a Canadian judge honored the release of Omar Khadr, who was captured by the U.S. as a child soldier in Afghanistan and held at Guantanamo illegally, the U.S. is still after him when really we should be apologizing for his years of torture and confinement without charge.

Airstrike that Killed 52 Civilians Raises Questions About Obama’s Approach to Islamic State

While some of the “radicalism” in the Middle East is just anti-imperialism, something Washington interventionists are unable to understand, the Obama administration’s approach is to fight Daesh (ISIS or ISIL) in Syria. Yet does the bombing of the civilians helps Daesh propaganda?