Saturday, January 11, 2025

We’re not the good guys

Why is American aggression missing in action?

Putin warns of NATO involvement as US weighs letting Ukraine use long-range missiles in...

Putin’s warning came as reports surfaced suggesting that U.S. President Joe Biden is considering allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles against Russian targets, marking a dangerous new phase in the two-and-a-half-year war.

Why the US won’t be able to shirk moral responsibility in leaving Afghanistan

There are significant moral costs at stake in either remaining in or withdrawing from Afghanistan.

The true meaning of the Afghan “withdrawal”

Will the nightmare of Saigon's fall return in Kabul?

US joins past empires In Afghan graveyard

President Biden announced a removal of all U.S. troops by September 11, but he failed to include some important details.

The anti-empire report #157: Unpersons

In his desperation for approval, our dear president has jumped on the back of increased military spending.

To hell and back

It is time to set in motion policies that would uplift veterans instead of pouring yet more staggering sums into a military that’s only sent so many of us to hell and back in this century?

How spin and lies fuel a bloody war of attrition in Ukraine 

U.S. officials and corporate media have buried the U.S. role in the crisis in Ukraine under a "white hats vs. black hats" narrative that fuels a bloody war of attrition that military experts compare to the First World War

TrumPutin: Jobs, security, and buyer’s remorse

The Trump cabinet is defining itself as a military junta with predatory extractive capitalist cronies and climate change deniers a sort of General Goldman Sachs composite.

Been There, Done That

In movie terms, you could think of Washington’s war policies in the post-9/11 era as pure “play it again, Sam.”