Controlling the Narrative: Two Recent Articles Offer Very Different Insights into Obama’s Foreign Policy
The Obama administration’s reliance on covert ops and prosecutions of whistle-blowers will be big black marks on its record and the effects of both will be felt long after this President leaves office.
Yes to Assertive, No to Aggressive
“We are humans—we have great big brains that are hard-wired for all possible responses, from violent to nonviolent, which makes us the unique species neurologically capable of infinite, illimitable choice. Let’s be wise about it.”
Berrigan’s Witness to Nonviolence Challenged Church and Nation
Jesuit Fr. Daniel Berrigan will be remembered for challenging the conscience of the Catholic church and the nation on the dangers of militarism.
Poof! It’s Forgotten
Five Ways the Newest Story in Iraq and Syria is... That There Is No New Story
Washington’s Military Addiction
But don’t bother to blame the politicians and national security nabobs in Washington for this. They’re addicts. They can’t help themselves.
Will Climate Change Make the Middle East Uninhabitable and Trigger a Mass Exodus?
It isn’t just the heat. Warming could create new dustbowls in the Middle East, making raising enough food impossible.
Obama Should Heed Hiroshima’s Survivors
Obama will be the first sitting president to visit Hiroshima, Japan.
The Costs of Violence: Masters of Mankind (Part 2)
“Who rules the world?” we might also want to pose another question: “What principles and values rule the world?”
Syrian Refugees in Canada Donating to Help Climate Refugees (Video)
Annalise Klingbeil of the Calgary Herald wrote that the drive was begun with an Arabic posting on a private Facebook group for Syrian refugees in Alberta province by recent arrival Rita Khanchet.
In Syria, Rebels From East Aleppo Strike Hospital in Government-Held West Aleppo (Video)
You see headlines talking about the humanitarian disaster in the city, but it is hard to know what those headlines are talking about.