Saturday, September 7, 2024

War, What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing.

And no kidding, that’s the literal truth when it comes to war, American-style.

Militant MadAmerika

“In her great piece, Sara Gray makes the connection between kids playing at 'first person shooter games' and being in live combat. She explains how these kinds of games desensitize heavy players to images of violence- thus, isn't it easy to imagine shooting someone in real life when you spend all day simulating shooting someone?”

How a Pink Flower Defeated the World’s Sole Superpower

Even in troubled Afghanistan, there are alternatives whose sum could potentially slice through this Gordian knot of a policy problem.

Former Guantánamo Chief Summoned by French Court Over Torture Allegations

General Geoffrey Miller presided over the U.S. military prison in Cuba from 2002 to 2004, after then-President George Bush approved of ‘enhanced interrogation’ techniques including waterboarding.

Pakistan’s Parliament First in the World to Go 100% Solar

“Pakistan’s solar insolation is one of the highest in the world, and foreign investors are taking note.”

U.S. Now Overtly at War Against Russia

“Russia is not expanding to NATO’s borders; NATO is expanding to Russia’s borders. The baldness of the Western lie to the contrary is an insult to Westerners’ intelligence.”

Noam Chomsky on Bernie Sanders and Our ‘Bought’ Political System

Who does Noam Chomsky support in Election 2016? Watch as he discusses his reasons for his preference for Democratic candidates and the differences between the political parties.

The Promise (and Peril) of the New Populism

Populism can be dangerous when embraced by the right because it usually comes mixed with nativism.

Four Hospitals Bombed in One Day in Syria, Including Doctors Without Borders Facility

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu blamed Russia for the airstrikes in Azaz.

Bernie Sanders Scorns Hillary Clinton’s Relationship With Accused War Criminal Henry Kissinger

Despite his myriad of atrocities, Kissinger received the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize and remains venerated among both Democrats and Republicans.