Thursday, January 9, 2025

Create New Transition Programs for Veterans Returning Home

Help us tell the Department of Veteran Affairs that we care about our Veterans and that this suicide rate is unacceptable.

Syria Truce Holds, Offering Hopes for Delivery of Humanitarian Aid

There was little sign of political compromise, however, which is a bad sign for the future.

Nearly 500 More U.S. Troops Sent to Iraq for Mosul Attack in Advance of...

“It seems a little unlikely that PM al-Abadi cares about U.S. electoral problems. He has his own reasons for wanting to roll up al-Qaeda in Iraq quickly. But his timetable could play into Hillary Clinton’s hands.”

Bombs Away!

Perhaps this September 11th, it’s finally time for Americans to begin to focus on our endless air war in the Greater Middle East, our very own disastrous Fifteen Years’ War.

Whether Sauds, in Effect, Own the U.S. Government

“A dollar paid by a member of the Saudi royal family (or any other foreigner) smells just as sweet to a U.S. Government official as does a dollar paid by an American, especially in the current era of untraceable offshore accounts.”

Mission Impossible

Keeping Track of U.S. Special Ops in Africa.

Unequal Victims: The Wars in the Balkans and the Lies of “Humanitarian Intervention”

The merchants of death know there’s money to be made from the ‘humanitarian interventions’ that will come out of a Clinton presidency, just as they’ve profited from Neocon wars under Republicans.

Hillary Clinton, the Podesta Group and the Saudi Regime: A Fatal Menage a Trois

The Clintons have said that if Hillary Clinton gets elected, the foundation will stop taking foreign donations. But what about no longer taking campaign contributions from people who are paid by the Saudi government to whitewash its image?

A U.S. Government Hooked on, Obsessed with, Perpetual War

“War is so deeply embedded in the psyche of this government that extracting it would take a minor miracle.”

How Veterans Are Losing the War at Home

Making America Pain-Free for Plutocrats and Big Pharma, But Not Vets