The US is about to make nuclear war much more likely
F35A was approved to carry two nukes, making it a first-strike weapon.
US Still Seeks Jail for ‘Fighter’ Captured at 15 in Afghanistan
While a Canadian judge honored the release of Omar Khadr, who was captured by the U.S. as a child soldier in Afghanistan and held at Guantanamo illegally, the U.S. is still after him when really we should be apologizing for his years of torture and confinement without charge.
Peacemakers, warmongers and fence sitters: Who represents you?
You can check out the differences between Democrats and Republicans, and see who are the real hawks and doves in each party.
The coming of a social-distancing version of war
The future of forever war, American-style...
Russia, Ukraine, NATO, and the left
In not recognizing multiple imperialisms, is the Left also guilty of Americocentrism?
The people’s Memorial Day
On this Memorial Day let us contemplate the moral injury we do to our nation every day in the never ending wars of the 21st Century.
Our man in Riyadh
So there is more than a little poetic justice – or is it irony? – in General Abizaid’s proposed posting to Riyadh.
The honeymoon of the generals
Or why Trump’s wars should seem so familiar.
The costs of war (to you)
Where did most of our money go?