Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Costs of Violence: Masters of Mankind (Part 2)

“Who rules the world?” we might also want to pose another question: “What principles and values rule the world?”

Syrian Refugees in Canada Donating to Help Climate Refugees (Video)

Annalise Klingbeil of the Calgary Herald wrote that the drive was begun with an Arabic posting on a private Facebook group for Syrian refugees in Alberta province by recent arrival Rita Khanchet.

In Syria, Rebels From East Aleppo Strike Hospital in Government-Held West Aleppo (Video)

You see headlines talking about the humanitarian disaster in the city, but it is hard to know what those headlines are talking about.

Donald Trump in South Sudan

Most people thought Trump was going to flame out long ago. Now that he hasn't, what are people afraid of?

More Steps Toward WW III

“On April 25th, Obama personally asked the leaders of Germany, France, UK, and Italy, to contribute to the increased NATO troops and weapons near Russia’s Baltic borders.”

America’s 21st Century Government: The Worst In This Country’s History?

“This 21st Century U.S. government’s achievements are virtually non-existent while its failures are monumental. That’s why I believe that historians of the future will conclude that it is the worst in American history.”

Federal Judge is Allowing Torture Victims to Sue the Psychologists who Devised CIA’s Torture...

For the first time, victims of the CIA torture program will be able to sue the Psychologists responsible for the program.

The Al-Qaeda Leader Who Wasn’t

The capture, torture, and propaganda use of Abu Zubaydah is the perfect example of the U.S. government’s unique combination of willful law-breaking, ass-covering memo-writing, and “strategic incompetence.”

We Live or Die Alone and Together

“Save some gratitude for those who preserve life or provide you with the goods of life and stop the overweening, abject displays of mewling groveling at the altar of militarism.”

“Not in Our Name!” How Neoconservatives and Liberal Hawks Use Lies to Sell Wars

Regardless of who leads us, the arms industry, paired with warmongering politicians and their media enablers are always trying to shape the conversation around war and peace in favor of the former.