Thursday, September 19, 2024

Iraq War, Based on Lies, Rages On

While Iraqi corpses piled up in streets and morgues, Bush’s behavior was unfathomable. War is no joke.

Whose Century Is It?

Perhaps this is no longer really the American century at all, despite the continuing status of the U.S. as the planet’s sole superpower.

Leaker, Speaker, Soldier, Spy

The charmed life of David Petraeus...

Islamic State’s Attacks on Saudi Arabia Are Aimed at Undermining the Monarchy’s Legitimacy

Daesh is facing its final year as a state. As it goes down it is lashing out like a fatally wounded crocodile.

Lament for Humanity: A 50 Year Reflection

“I am not going to get another 50 years to try to create the world of peace, justice and sustainability for which many of us strive but I am going to use every single moment of the time I have left.”

White House Provides Suspiciously Low Total of Civilian Drone Strike Deaths

A newly released report puts the death toll at no more than 116 for civilians killed by drones. So why do watchdog groups estimate the real number as up to 1,000?

41 Killed After Istanbul Airport Bombing

This attack will mark the 8th major terrorist attack in Turkey in the last 12 months.

The Age of Disintegration

Neoliberalism, Interventionism, the Resource Curse, and a Fragmenting World

The Numbers Racket

AFRICOM Clams Up After Commander Peddles Contradictory Statements to Congress

Dominating the Skies — and Losing the Wars

Air Supremacy Isn’t What It Used to Be.