Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Tears of Fallujah

“If recent history has taught us anything, it's that the wounds of Fallujah, and those of Iraq’s Sunni in general, must be treated in short order or the conflict will simmer to explosion once again.”

Friday’s Events: The Legacy and Rules of American Foreign Policy and 21 Questions for...

The United States is great at focusing on any sort of carnage and blaming ISIS, one of hundreds of groups in Syria, and building alliances with Sunni states.

The Trojan Drone

An Illegal Military Strategy Disguised as Technological Advance

French Paradox: Terror Attacks Continue as ISIS Loses Ground

If the Republicans actually want to hinder terrorists, they might consider confirming a new treasury undersecretary and tightening up legislation.

Chaos in Turkey

The failed coup attempt began Friday afternoon and the country plummeted into a night of violence and state of unrest.

The Drone Age: A Tragedy in Dallas Ushers in a New Era of Robotic...

Should using robots to blow up suspects be used as a solution to domestic crises?

We Are The Empire

Of U.S. Military Interventions, Alien Disaster Movies, and Star Wars

Violence Begets….

“If only enough of our countries' public will demand holding those war criminals accountable, and keep at it... then we will send the rest of the world a sincere message.”

Why Do Veterans Support Donald Trump?

Many military vets wrote in to say they absolutely do not support Trump, and are afraid that he would put our troops in more danger.

Je Suis Istanbul

We should not need to share a culture, skin color, religion, or system of government with another human being to mourn their loss.