Friday, September 20, 2024

Hillary Clinton, the Podesta Group and the Saudi Regime: A Fatal Menage a Trois

The Clintons have said that if Hillary Clinton gets elected, the foundation will stop taking foreign donations. But what about no longer taking campaign contributions from people who are paid by the Saudi government to whitewash its image?

A U.S. Government Hooked on, Obsessed with, Perpetual War

“War is so deeply embedded in the psyche of this government that extracting it would take a minor miracle.”

How Veterans Are Losing the War at Home

Making America Pain-Free for Plutocrats and Big Pharma, But Not Vets

Congress Must Take Action to Block Weapon Sales to Saudi Arabia

Congress has thirty days to block the sale of these weapons. It is a moral imperative that they do so.

What Does It Mean When War Hawks Say, “Never Trump”?

The Enemies of My Enemy May Be War Criminals

Epic Middle East Heat Wave is Being Compared to Weapon of Mass Destruction

Temperatures in the Middle East have reached record heights leaving scientists worried about the future.

Military Dissent Is Not an Oxymoron

Leaving military insularity, unit loyalty, and the pressure of combat aside, however, here are seven other factors I’ve witnessed, which combine to inhibit dissent within military circles.

It’s time

“It is time to end this dance with death. Good people deserve good leaders. Good leaders would quickly negotiate and effect nuclear disarmament.”

Obama Not Only Did Not Pay Ransom to Iran, He Denied That Country Billions...

It was just a coincidence that one of the tranches of the repayment to Iran of Iran’s own money coincided with the release of hostages.

The World the Iraq War Made

One can only guess what the world would look like had the 2003 invasion never occurred.