Friday, September 20, 2024

Throwing in the Towel

What the Bankruptcy of White House Policy Means for the Israelis and Palestinians.

Critical Foreign Policy Questions

We won’t likely hear these questions asked in the final presidential debate, but their answers are critical to our democratic future.

Shrugging Off Concerns of Saudi Atrocities, U.S. Joins In Yemeni Bombing Campaign

The US has been offering Saudi Arabia direct intelligence and logistics support for its campaign in Yemen since March 2015.

Syrian Refugees May Have Just Stopped a Major Terror Plot in Germany

Despite terrorism claims, refugees are the eyes and ears for their own communities.

American Power at the Crossroads

Earth is no longer the property of the globe’s “sole superpower.”

Do Western Nations Care about Yemeni Lives or Saudi Blood Money?

The time for review and mild statements of condemnation is over.

Trump’s Organization did Business with Iranian Bank Later Linked to Terrorism

GOP nominee has slammed Clinton for cutting ‘deals with our foreign adversaries’

Fighting Another War: How Many Veterans will Have PTSD in 2025?

We hope that the findings of this study will help the military, the VA, and other government entities identify more effective strategies.

Are U.S.-Saudi Relations Finally Souring?

Pressure from human rights organizations like Oxfam to victims of the 9/11 attacks are helping erode the bond between these old political allies, but the results of this election season could squander our chance at change.

What We Talk About When We Don’t Want to Talk About Nuclear War

The one, in a vain effort to conceal his own ignorance, offers rambling nonsense. The other, accustomed to making her own rules, simply changes the subject.