Friday, September 20, 2024

War within war: Iraq’s Prime Minister says ‘we don’t want to fight Turkey, but...

Iraq demands that the Turkish troops withdraw from the country, terming them “occupation forces.”

The Bureau identifies 15 civilians killed in a single US airstrike

In both the Somali and Afghan incidents, the US at first denied that any non-combatants had been killed.

War and double Standards

Understanding the Sieges of Aleppo and Mosul

Tehran, USA

Fighting fundamentalism in the U.S.

Dalit Lives Matter

Technology has helped to facilitate these movements locally and disseminated information about them throughout the world in a way earlier generations of activists could have only dreamed about.

Sorry for Killing Your Son, CIA Tells Drone Strike Victim’s Family During Unprecedented Meeting

For years they have refused to release details of the strikes, fighting successive court cases brought by relatives of strike victims and by civil liberties groups.

Time To Stop The Next War Now

The country must show it is ready to oppose the next war and the Armageddon that it threatens.

Syria, Ready to Explode; yet the U.S. Media Remains Fixated on Trump’s Sexual...

Maybe, just maybe, when this long, drawn out, reality show version of a presidential election finally comes to a welcome end, it may be possible that this media will turn its attention to critically important world affairs, especially the conflict in Syria; and the American people will no longer remain in the dark.

The Worst Place on Earth

Death and Life in the Lost Town of Leer

The Mosul Campaign and the Third Presidential Debate

Clinton was secretary of state, so why is she so flat-footed on these foreign policy issues?