Friday, December 27, 2024

Trump’s attack on Syria; a wag the dog or a false flag operation?

If Trump had any credibility then perhaps his account of what happened might not even be questioned.

Ask yourself: Will Donald Trump EVER become president?

As our institutions bend and buckle and approach the breaking point, the president bombs Syria and is hailed by an obeisant media.

Decapitating heads of state is a risky business

If Donald Trump actually gave a damn about “beautiful little babies,” he would not be contemplating an aerial assault on North Korea.

What does an “America-first” foreign policy actually mean?

Putting the U.S. military first, second, and third.

The secret Republican history of Sean Spicer’s Holocaust, in 7 steps

Get used to the moral outrage – and the corporate lingo. Welcome to Republican America, circa 2017.

Why Russia won’t leave Syria

Were the Tomahawk strikes impulsive?

Syrian roulette

As Trump’s presidency unravels will he grow more desperate?

First step down a dangerous path

Have Republicans – or hawkish Democrats – learned anything from the military and diplomatic history of the past two decades?

Syrian missile attack, an opportunity to challenge militarism

We must lift the fog of war before it gets too thick.

What a policy of real solidarity with the Syrian people looks like

The U.S. does not have to choose between backing the Assad regime or extremist groups. There is another choice: Syria’s homegrown pro-democracy resistance.