Thursday, October 17, 2024

Why Russia won’t leave Syria

Were the Tomahawk strikes impulsive?

Syrian roulette

As Trump’s presidency unravels will he grow more desperate?

First step down a dangerous path

Have Republicans – or hawkish Democrats – learned anything from the military and diplomatic history of the past two decades?

Syrian missile attack, an opportunity to challenge militarism

We must lift the fog of war before it gets too thick.

What a policy of real solidarity with the Syrian people looks like

The U.S. does not have to choose between backing the Assad regime or extremist groups. There is another choice: Syria’s homegrown pro-democracy resistance.

Chris Hedges criticizes mainstream media’s ‘cheerleading’ for Syria strike

“The corporate media has presented precisely the narrative and the images that the deep state wants.”

The pandora’s box of war

None of the insurgents in the region will willingly lay down their weapons until the U.S. occupation of the Middle East ends.

Resurrecting the unholy trinity

Torture, rendition, and indefinite detention under Trump

Activists rally in front of Trump Tower in Chicago to protest Syria missile strikes

When President Obama was faced with the same questions of intervention in 2013 after Assad and the Syrian government was accused of gassing its own people, many leading republicans came out and condemned a quick action.