Why Trump is so wrong on Iran
The stain left by Trump on our reputation will carry costs to us and our children that we cannot begin to imagine.
It’s time to make a deal with North Korea
If the U.S. made a deal with Maoist China in the 1970s, it can surely cut one with North Korea today.
Tween boys and the fate of the world?
Seriously, humankind, what are we going to do?
Flotilla to the Pentagon: An update on the anti-war movement
With everything going on it's easy to forget the anti-war movement. Rest assured, they are still fighting the war machine.
Muslim nations are rallying to protect the Rohingya. What about the rest of us?
If only Muslims reach out to help the Rohingya, the international community will suffer another blow to its reputation.
Could Trump’s threat to “totally destroy North Korea” launch a war crime?
What more needs to be said, by anyone, about potential, world-wide Trump disruption?
Chelsea Manning v. US war criminals
In a better world, these people would look in the mirror and ask – what am I part of?
In this Korean crisis, Trump’s bullying tactics aren’t working and never will
The more that Trump threatens North Korea the more paranoid its leaders become; and the more they intensify efforts to successfully develop a nuclear strike capability.
The right of return: Will Syria’s refugees be able to rebuild their country?
Western media continues to lend legitimacy to the extremists who have rampaged through Syria for 6 years.
Profit maximization is easy: Invest in violence
More violence leads to more fear making it easier to gain greater social control to inflict more violence….