Friday, January 10, 2025

Trump admin continues threats & provocations against North Korea, laying groundwork for nuclear war

Tensions between North Korea and the United States have been building after a series of nuclear and missile tests by Pyongyang and intense verbal exchanges between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

The 1967 mobilization against the war in Vietnam: Confrontation at the Pentagon

Hopefully we can all learn something useful for today by looking back at this crucial event through the eyes of someone whose worldview was shaped by his participation in it.

Racism, propaganda and wars

Let’s recognize that wars are rooted in white supremacist and racist ideology that believes only certain people deserve to control their destinies.

From America with love

U.S. commandos are a “persistent presence” on Russia’s doorstep.

Destroying Raqqa in order to save it

The devastation of Raqqa was not covered in the English language press with the same vigor as the earlier battle for Aleppo.

Trump’s nuclear dreams

Nightmares past and present.

Khizr Khan and the wisdom of Gold Star families

"If it was up to Donald Trump, [my son] never would have been in America."

The fall of the house of ISIS

ISIS is on the decline, but the catastrophic political divisions in Iraq and Syria that gave rise to it are no closer to being mended.

Trump’s wars

No more money to finance the Afghan political and military mess unless Trump or whoever is in charge can tell us why it's worth more of America's blood and treasure to be there.

Expansion of imperialist U.S. ‘war on terror’ in Africa preceded deadly attacks in Niger...

At least 800 U.S. servicemembers are currently stationed in the country to support a French-led mission to defeat militants in West Africa.