Massive overkill
Brought to you by the nuclear-industrial complex.
The Saudi purge shaking the Middle East
The seeming power grab consolidates all the major security forces and the military in the hands of the current King Salman and his son, the 32 year old Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Salman.
Into the Afghan abyss (again)
How a failed drug war will defeat Trump’s Afghan adventure
The voiceless left stands before the monster of history
If you do not take hold of the monster within, he will take hold of you. Both on a personal basis as well as the monster we know as human history.
Middle East – How America shot itself in the foot
The U.S. needs to learn the art of diplomacy instead of spending a lot of time constantly demonizing and threatening other countries.
Hearts and minds
As with the needless sacrifice of our young Amerikans during Vietnam, ditto for the use of them again in these Middle Eastern 'phony wars'.
Saudi bombing and blockade are devastating Yemen, and Yemenis know the US bears responsibility
U.S.-backed Saudi aggression is stoking anti-American sentiment in Yemen.
Congress’s romance with cowardice
War without war powers (the not-so-new American way)
Who’s really in charge of the Afghanistan War?
Trump is letting non-elected generals decide to hurl another 4,000 of our men and women into the Afghanistan War.
Osama Bin Laden’s America
Niger, 9/11, and apocalyptic humiliation