Ground troops increase in Africa as Somalia mission grows, but general says ‘We are...
The United States' war on terror is not slowing down.
God wills it!
The war on terror as the launching of an American crusade.
Serial killers and dopes
Like lemmings running over the cliff of reason, our fellow American dopes may never learn!
Mass mobilization against Trump military parade
A military parade will be a major error as it will show the United States to be an insecure nation at a time when people realize U.S. empire is fading.
The 9/11 hijackers were Iraqis, right?
The good news is that they want to learn. The bad news: nowadays, they tend to think that the men who flew those planes on 9/11 were from Iran.
McMaster of war
Does unrealistic war experience lead to Trump's advisor's overconfidence?
War preparations against Venezuela as election nears
Is the path to war through border disputes?
The wars no one notices
Are we all just living in a demobilized country?
The fear driving US nuclear strategy
There is no easy way back from this brink. But you can help, both now and in the future, by doing one or more of the suggestions below.
$45 billion: The cost of the war in Afghanistan in 2018
2018 will mark the 17th year of the Afghanistan war.