Friday, September 20, 2024

Profit maximization is easy: Invest in violence

More violence leads to more fear making it easier to gain greater social control to inflict more violence….

Psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton on duty to warn: Trump’s “relation to reality” is dangerous...

Robert Jay Lifton discusses what is now happening between the U.S. and North Korea, and Iran, and President Trump’s closest aides expressing concern that Trump is unraveling.

Expansion of imperialist U.S. ‘war on terror’ in Africa preceded deadly attacks in Niger...

At least 800 U.S. servicemembers are currently stationed in the country to support a French-led mission to defeat militants in West Africa.

America will regret helping Saudi Arabia bomb Yemen

Selling weapons to Saudi Arabia has consequences. The intense anti-U.S. sentiment in Yemen should be a wake-up call for Americans.

Tackling the ‘Impossible’: Ending Violence

Whenever, in ordinary circumstances, the subject of violence comes up, most people throw up their hands in horror and comment along the...

In God (and Trump) we trust… With monster bombs!!

I just don't think he blessed that Monster Bomb or all the other WMDs that your tax money is paying for... instead of better roads, infrastructure, health care...

Venezuela accuses US of secretly shipping arms after weapons found on plane with possible...

Venezuela accused the U.S. government of sending the arms as part of its attempt to topple the Maduro government.

Can we avoid a war with China?

The cold war in the Taiwan Strait threatens to turn hot.

One brother gave the Soviets the A-Bomb; The other was honored for designing US...

Newly released FBI files explain a 70-year-old mystery.

Why the US won’t be able to shirk moral responsibility in leaving Afghanistan

There are significant moral costs at stake in either remaining in or withdrawing from Afghanistan.