Peace Congress replaces Trump military parade on November 10 in Washington, DC
End U.S. wars at home and abroad. Reclaim Armistice Day.
Military Madness
Nearly 50 years and nothing ever changes, does it?
Making America’s wars great again
The Pentagon portrays a powerful need to think of ourselves as a righteous, just, and successful country that fights only righteous, just, and successful wars.
The US and Russia are playing chicken with nuclear weapon
While the current administration seems to run on uncontrollable testosterone, the problem of nuclear weapons didn’t start with them, even its immediate predecessor helped to bring about this impasses.
The new global tinderbox
The question is: Could trade war and cyberwar lead one day to regular armed conflict?
US INF pullout will delight arms industry as it threatens to reignite Cold War
The reality is that it has largely been the U.S. that has been the aggressor through the terrifying and costly decades of the Cold War that this latest treaty exit action threatens to re-ignite.
Why American leaders persist in waging losing wars
Hint: They’re winning in other ways.
Peacemakers, warmongers and fence sitters: Who represents you?
You can check out the differences between Democrats and Republicans, and see who are the real hawks and doves in each party.
When it comes to having leaders who murder, the US is a pace setter
What our presidents, with their “kill lists,” are doing is destroying what little democracy and moral standing we have left in this country.
(Un)happy anniversary!
17 years of war (and more to come).