A farewell to arms control?
Let’s hope that the Trump administration proves to be the detour on the path to finally bidding farewell to nuclear arms.
Economist Jeffrey Sachs: US sanctions have devastated Venezuela & killed over 40,000 since 2017
“American sanctions are deliberately aiming to wreck Venezuela’s economy and thereby lead to regime change. It’s a fruitless, heartless, illegal, and failed policy, causing grave harm to the Venezuelan people.”
US and China push global military spending to record high
U.S. military expenditure along accounted for 36 percent of total global military spending, as much as the next eight biggest-spending countries combined.
Tackling the ‘Impossible’: Ending Violence
Whenever, in ordinary circumstances, the subject of violence comes up, most people throw up their hands in horror and comment along the...
The end of war is just a beginning
What President Trump is actually proposing simply removes the most visible aspect – the troops – while continuing the bombing of eight countries and secret counter terrorism operations across almost half the globe.
‘A shameful week for the US:’ Trump admin guts UN resolution to end rape...
The resolution was gutted after the U.S. threatened to veto the measure altogether unless language referencing reproductive health was taken out
‘Unprecedented:’ UN finds US-backed forces killed more Afghan civilians than Taliban and ISIS did...
"It's not just my family, there are dozens of families just like mine who have been lost in bombings. The people have no power... We are the ones who are dying."
AFRICOM calls for my ‘elimination’
Specifically, what if an article of mine on the U.S. military appears somewhere in our media world and that military refuses to notice? Does it have an impact?
American war is off the charts
So, for the last few of us still here thinking about American wars, I would say that when it comes to off the charts, it’s possible that you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Greens say ‘no to NATO’ while war parties give standing ovations to NATO
The Green Party showed itself to be the alternative to the two-winged War Party of the Democrats and Republicans, a party that stands for an end to militarism and imperialism.