Replacing the capitalist dream of AI-driven profits
When asked to share alternatives to capitalism, ChatGPT offered many options, none of which rely on the fantasy that money hoarding at the top can eventually benefit the rest of us.
My hunger strike for Gaza: A 31 day experience
I began this hunger strike to demand that my government end the siege on Gaza.
Eight reasons why Marco Rubio would be a disastrous Secretary of State
The many reasons why Trump's nomination of Senator Marco Rubio to be Secretary of State is a disastrous choice for America and the world.
When I was at law school with Clarence Thomas
I was in law school in 1973 when the Supreme Court decided Roe, protecting a pregnant person’s right to privacy under the 14th amendment to the Constitution.
How the psychology of oppression perpetuates harm to animals and the environment
To achieve justice for all species and the environment, we must create a more relational world.
Time for a united front against Trump and realism about Harris
This is certainly not the presidential election that we want, but it’s the one we have. Progressives could make the difference.
New nuclear push latches on to climate change as reason for nuclear power
“The dirty secret is that nuclear power makes a substantial contribution to global warming. Nuclear power is actually a chain of highly energy-intense industrial processes.”
Is there homelessness in our future?
The only solution to homelessness is a combination of providing for more low cost housing and boosting income.
Dire betrayals – banishing the past and core values: what else tells us who...
Revolutions are not about overwhelming negativity.
As 2015 Begins, Remember 2014′s Wins
The core message from last year’s elections wasn't that voters embraced the GOP’s right-wing values, it's that they didn’t want to elect namby-pamby Democrats. But there is now a chance to say “yes” to an array of progressive ballot initiatives.