Can humanity repair its relationship with nature? Weaving Earth Education Center offers a promising...
This all-ages education center reminds us that “we are a part of this earth, not apart from it.”
The Key Thing about the Latest Police Killing in Charlotte, NC is that It...
Police too often shoot to kill as a first resort. This is happening more and more often to minorities.
For Trump, words are stupid things
As language takes a beating from the president, a book about Churchill and Orwell reminds us how potent skilled rhetoric can be.
The ‘iEverything’ and the Redistributional Imperative
The newest business model using new technologies isn't just labor-replacing, it's knowledge-replacing. As the ratio of producers to customers continues to plummet, the profits go to an ever-smaller circle of executives and owner-investors.
The public’s viewpoint: Regulations are protections
When you hear Regulations are Protections for the Public, think of the details and the consequences. Go beyond the words. Act positively.
Forum perversion: Why progressive media should BAN climate-troll comments
Extensive reflection has produced a rather compelling case why the trolls’ climate pseudoscience comments – if not the trolls themselves – should be banned from progressive media.
The New Common Ground Between Populist Left and Right
Both want to get big money out of politics, reverse Citizens United, and restore our democracy.
NBC’s Presidential Forum Continued the Shameful Corporate Coverage of the Great American Meltdown
It was a low, wretched performance, by the network and both candidates, full of fluff and posturing and Alice in Wonderland statements of policy along with an almost complete derogation of authority by the anchors.
The pandemic that exposes the full Trump pandemic
We are about to test whether Trump can win re-election by crushing Bush-Cheney’s formidable record as the most inhumanely destructive, financially irresponsible presidency in our history.
Why American workers need the National Labor Relations Board to return to its mission
The demand for representation, increasing even before COVID-19, soared during the pandemic as Americans saw how unions helped their members.