Routing the two-tier system: Part VII – compensation
In a system like this, the wealthy would be the ones paying taxes, because the non-wealthy would be receiving only basic income.
Who’s enabling Putin’s enablers?
We need a progressive politics that shows solidarity with all victims of military violence — while resisting the militarism of our own government.
The World After Me
We are beginning to show the strains of the global destabilization now evidently underway and, unnerved, we are undoubtedly continuing to damage the future in ways still hard to assess.
Fracking filthy fuel
England is the only country within the UK where fracking is currently allowed.
A House Divided (On Gun Control) Cannot Vacation
This historic protest was demanding what can only be called a meager measure, delaying suspected terrorists from buying guns. What about restoring the assault-weapons ban?
What if? An alternative strategy for 9/12/2001
“Of all manifestations of power, restraint impresses men most.” –Thucydides
While Cuba deals with blazing fire, the US watches and waits
Withholding assistance at this critical time indicates to Cubans, Cuban Americans and the world that the Biden Administration is not really interested in the well-being of the Cuban people, despite statements to the contrary.
Is There Even an Iota of Courage in the GOP Hierarchy?
The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it's conformity. And, boy, America's Republican leadership is conforming like a pack of lemmings.
One monstrosity Trump won’t want his name on
As a developer, Trump made millions and left his partners with the debt. His tax plan is no different.
Focus on Trump Shouldn’t Give Other Republicans a Free Pass
Focusing on Trump’s character flaws instead of the flawed Republican agenda is appropriate – up to a point.