Wednesday, January 15, 2025

2019 in review: Endless Trump and the rise of radical environmental action

In terms of raising awareness, despite powerful people from the U.S. president on down denying its reality, more and more people throughout the world are taking action to force their governments to confront it.

The Incredible Shrinking Populist: Donald Trump’s Tiny Economic Vision

Donald Trump is all talk and no action. In the end, he’s just another selfish and small-minded Republican, with tiny dreams and a tiny vision in a nation that is still capable of greatness.

The ‘Hidden Figures’ Jeff Sessions wants to keep in the shadows

A new movie reminds us of past racial injustice as a new administration tries to roll back the clock.

The main obstacles standing in the way of America achieving true greatness

America has arrived at a crossroads. Taking the right road will lead this nation to greatness. Taking the left, the wrong road, will keep America going in the current misguided direction; and greatness will be unattainable.

Flacks for the rich tell one philanthropy story, the numbers tell another

Our wealthiest give away only a fraction of what they could easily afford to give.

Big Business Tax Breaks Crippling Chicago

For over 100 years the Chicago Mercantile Exchange has used the city's invaluable resources to make billions in profits while paying almost nothing in return.

The Left needs to be a movement, not a bunch of lobbyists

We need to focus on big demands and big issues that benefit all but the ruling elites and that will fundamentally change the way the country operates.

Trump is signaling an unprecedented right turn on foreign policy

From his feud with Bob Corker to his plans to renege on the Iran deal, Trump's mood swings mean a dangerous new era of foreign policy.

A civilization in collapse, the dawn of a new order

The millions of people, young and old, who have been taking to the streets expressing their collective will have made their choice...

Routing the two-tier system: Part VII – compensation

In a system like this, the wealthy would be the ones paying taxes, because the non-wealthy would be receiving only basic income.