Mantra for 9/11
Fourteen years later and we are still living in an improbable world. Tom Engelhardt discusses the wars, interventions, assassinations, tortures, kidnappings, the growth of the American national security state and the spread of Islamic extremism.
Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Is Nearly Dead
How is it that the pending Trans-Pacific Partnership backed by both President Obama and Republican leaders in Congress is nearly dead? Thankfully America’s real-life distributional game made free trade a near casualty.
How Mesopotamia’s urban and industrial revolution started politics as we know it today
Giorgio Buccellati’s At the Origins of Politics takes readers to the early stages of a process that became the structure of modern life.
When They Scream ‘Clinton Scandal,’ Wait for the Facts
There is a new frenzy of ignorance and indignation against the the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. But they'll remain innocent until someone produces credible evidence of wrongdoing—which in this case has yet to be done.
Celebrating the Flash Crash with a Wall Street Sales Tax
As we celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Flash Crash, we can also celebrate a possible policy that will take mostly from the rich and raise a huge amount of money by raising the cost of financial transactions.
Odd Bedfellows for Liberty
Liberty depends on whistleblowers willing to put themselves out there in the way of authoritarianism. These are the true patriots of American history fighting for our liberty.
What’s the Point in Any of It?
One day, in one life, when the attractions of the sensory world have lost their charm, when we begin to see the truth of the Buddha’s words – that desire is cause of all suffering; when television, video games, sex, drugs and alcohol fail to fill the inner emptiness; when we sit in a pub with a friend and ask aloud, what the point of it all is.
A Model for Democracy at the Grassroots Level
A grassroots movement in Iowa is an uplifting example of organized people power in action taking back democracy. Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement is fighting the avarice and arrogance of big-money corporations.
The Other Charlies
In the wake of the violence in France, people from around the world expressed solidarity with the victims, and with the people of France. Although the world leaders posed for a photo op to show they were there, it was the people who led the day.
Buy Your Way into Scott Walker’s Circle
Presidential candidate Scott Walker wants you to think he cares about people like you, so he is inviting people to sit down and talk to him face-to-face—it only costs $1 million. It's time we end this corrupt mockery of our electoral democracy.