Saturday, January 11, 2025

A Model Philanthropist

Ron Read, a philanthropist and janitor from a small-town in Vermont, shocked his community by leaving behind millions for the common good—gifting the largest bequest to the local library and hospital. What a great way to restore faith in humankind.

The Smart Brother? Why Jeb Bush Can’t Escape Dubya’s Dubious Legacy

Jeb Bush's presidential nomination depends on persuading voters that he is not his brother George W., but rather the "the smart brother" of the Bush family. His debut address on foreign policy might say differently.

In the New Gilded Age, Social Protest Dominates Academy Awards Ceremony

Oscar winners at the 87th Academy Awards took advantage of their stage time by making statements on behalf of minorities and the discriminated-against. It's being hailed the most politically progressive Oscars ever.

The KBparty of Plutocratic Rule, Welcome to What the Supreme Court Wrought

Corporate cash is corrupting America's democratic process and killing our people's right to self-government. The Koch Brothers party is raring to go vowing to spend even more in the 2016 presidential election. It's time we stand up to the corporate elites.

We Kill Our Revolutionaries

“I am a human being and no human being should be caged like an animal.” Prisoners might soon carry out acts of mass civil disobedience for justice because changes inside prisons need to be made and this is the only mechanism left to them.

Déjà vu in Central Europe: Ukraine Between East and West

Putin’s strategy is to "reconstitute the Old Russian Empire" and what remains of Ukraine's territorial integrity is threatening the overall peace in Europe. It seems the crisis will not end until Putin is stopped. So who will stop him?

The Corporate Debt to Society: $10,000 Per Household, Per Year

The Alaska Permanent Fund proved a success, therefore an America Permanent Fund (APF), based on that program, would benefit both the rich and poor. We all deserve to receive some national productivity.

Why We’re All Becoming Independent Contractors

The most significant legal trend in the American workforce is “independent contractors,” which lessens companies' costs of having full-time employees. But is the trend contributing directly to low pay, irregular hours and job insecurity?

From ‘Demos’ to ‘Podemos’: Popular Uprisings in Greece and Spain

The future of Europe is in flux, as popular movements in Greece and Spain gain power and challenge traditional economic and political systems. The global economic crisis created enormous suffering for billions around the world, but it also created an opening.

Today’s Top Seven Myths About Islamic State

While ISIS continues to haunt the nightmares of Western journalists and security analysts, Juan Cole points out some assertions about the "Islamic State" that are truly exaggerated and completely incorrect.