Thursday, March 6, 2025

How Privatization Degrades Our Daily Lives

"Privatization places profits over people." While American people remain the products, our leaders continue to think free-market capitalism works best. But here are a few "fact-based" examples that prove otherwise.

Measuring the Moral Posture of Rand Paul

Senator Rand Paul criticized the Clinton Foundation for accepting money from Saudi Arabian agencies when these agencies do not believe in gender equality. This coming from the man who would not help pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, who co-sponsored the Blunt Amendment, and who sponsored a constitutional amendment to outlaw abortion.

Flush the TPP

President Barack Obama and the Republicans are united when it comes to so-called free-trade agreements. While Obama has been negotiating the agreements, which increase corporate power, grass-roots activists are organizing against the TPP.

The New American Order

Out of the chaos of this prolonged moment and inside the shell of the old system, a new culture, a new kind of politics, a new kind of governance is being born right before our eyes. Call it what you want. But call it something. Stop pretending it’s not happening.

Is Violent Change Inevitable in Ethiopia?

We are living in unprecedented times, times of tremendous opportunity and potential change; out of step with the times the days are numbered for regimes like the EPRDF – it is a question of when they collapse – not if.

The Top Five Ways Netanyahu Has Sabotaged US and Israeli Interests

Binyamin Netanyahu is claiming that "leftists" are sending aid to his rivals to try and unseat him in a rare public display of paranoia. But that is far from the truth—here are five ways he's damaged U.S. and Israel interests.

Genuine Corporate Posers

Many people are no longer eating at fast food restaurants, they prefer to dine at upstart, independent outfits. But most of these outlets are owned by corporate fast-food giants. So are McDonald’s, Taco Bell and Pepsi trying to dupe their customers?

Debt Buyers Bury Hard-Hit Consumers in Lies

Millions of Americans have been hit hard and now find themselves swimming in consumer debt. A new scam has 1 in 7 struggling adults in the U.S. under pursuit by debt collectors. These predator corporations are ending any hope of recovery.

The ‘iEverything’ and the Redistributional Imperative

The newest business model using new technologies isn't just labor-replacing, it's knowledge-replacing. As the ratio of producers to customers continues to plummet, the profits go to an ever-smaller circle of executives and owner-investors.

The Most Dangerous Women in America

Is a new party essential if the corporate coup is to be reversed? Kshama Sawant, the socialist on the City Council in Seattle that is up for re-election, certainly thinks so. She is calling for this national party to be formed now.