Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Number of U.S. Troops in Iraq Is Approaching 6,000

Likely, down the line the US will get pulled right back into Iraq, because it refuses to recognize the real power dynamics there at the level of policy rather than just of tactics.

Pope Francis’ Call to Host Refugees Contrasts with America’s Anti-Immigrant ‘Religious Right’ (Video)

Was Pope Francis’ call to host refugees a slam against the anti-immigrant right wing? Many American Christian leaders aren't too keen when it comes to the issue of Syrian refugees being accepted by the U.S.

Engaging North Korea successfully on human rights

Despite a generally abysmal human rights record, North Korea has shown improvement in one specific area: disability rights.

One monstrosity Trump won’t want his name on

As a developer, Trump made millions and left his partners with the debt. His tax plan is no different.

Ask yourself: Will Donald Trump EVER become president?

As our institutions bend and buckle and approach the breaking point, the president bombs Syria and is hailed by an obeisant media.

Climate change, extreme weather, destructive lifestyles

If we continue in the selfish, greedy, divisive ways of the past, the weather patterns will become more extreme and unpredictable, the air and waterways will become more toxic, loss of life will increase and the associated environmental ills will deepen.

Still mandatory: Impeach the vast right-wing conspiracy, not just Trump

Until reactionary Republican malfeasance is exposed and discredited, the USA will remain the most divided, globally dangerous and morally backward of affluent western nations.

NatCon kingmaker?

The most dangerous thing about rightwing populism or ‘National Conservatism’ is that the plutocrats that fund it and have become its standard bearers pretend that they have the interests of working people at heart.

Progressives can’t depend on the Congressional Progressive Caucus

We can’t depend on the Congressional Progressive Caucus to provide the kind of leadership we need. It must come from the grassroots.

All the Presumptive Nominee’s Men

For a guy who yells about Washington and Wall Street money in politics, Donald Trump sure has a lot on insiders on his team.