Monday, September 16, 2024

The GOP Whiffs Again on Health Care

The GOP is throwing a political tantrum over The Affordable Care Act and once again is turning to the Supreme Court over the already passed landmark law. Will he swing and whiff again?

Flint’s Crisis Is About More Than Water

The thousands of Michigan children who were knowingly poisoned were victims of an American moral malaise: Our nation has bred generations of bureaucrats who are blind to values other than self-advancement and profit.

The longer Trump lasts, the greater the damage, the more degraded is America. Is...

No politician survives endless, humiliating court cases (results or timing aside), and no third-rate PT Barnum fools more than a shrinking minority over time.

The moral travesty of Trumpcare

So what do we do now? We fight.

10 good things about a TERRIBLE year

As we head into the new year, let’s keep ourselves inspired by the hard work of folks at home and abroad who gave us something to cheer about for 2017.

Emperor Weather

for the moment, it seems, humanity still has the chance to write its own history in a fashion that would allow for a perhaps less welcoming but still reasonably palatable world for our children and grandchildren to live in. And be glad of that.

‘You Have a Mother’

A mother and a father, fighting to protect their daughter and son from death, still exist in faint particles of light. The fierce and protective love of a mother and a father is stronger than hate—it can overcome evil.

Israel’s Netanyahu Was Imported by GOP to Ensure a War With Iran

John Boehner secretly invited Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Washington to help him craft a super-majority in Congress to join his veto over-ride effort of Obama's new sanctions on Iran. Will he succeed?

The authoritarian president

The U.S. Constitution was created to stop authoritarians like Donald Trump.

Country Music, Tea Party ‘Populism,’ and Ted Cruz

The billionaire-backed funding for Ted Cruz comes from those the billionaire-backed groups and individuals that oppose raising the minimum wage, or even the existence of a minimum wage, want to gut Medicare, Social Security and unemployment benefits, and want to reduce their own taxes even more.