Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Real Threat to America (Hint: It’s Not Socialism)

The Koch brothers have plans to spend close to $900 million in 2016 to keep Republicans in control of Congress and hopefully get a conservative as president. Is their threat "intent upon seizing power in a nonviolent coup?"

Who Polices the Pay Police?

Corporations have added a new level of “pay police” to oversee the platinum paychecks of top bosses. But even when the board runs this process, the chief’s pay keeps going up, up and away.

Will gun-shy Dems ever learn this core (if alarming) Trump lesson—relentless promotion serves up...

Democrats must treat voters as consumers who view politics (rightly) as “another marketable product.” A coherent party must deliver big, core, election-winning achievements—if only to avoid a mid-term bloodbath.

The Media’s Gift to Trump: Low Expectations

When a candidate starts in the cellar in terms of behavior and temperament, there's nowhere to go but up.

Crying ‘Rape,’ Trump? Unseal Your Divorce Records

If he wants to accuse other people of rape and intimidation, Trump should unseal his divorce papers and let voters assess his standing to make those charges.

Are you ready for corporate America’s robot economy?

Robots are not our enemy – the corporate bosses, bankers and BSers who own robots are the ones doing this to us.

A fish called Bannon

The White House chief strategist may think he knows what he's doing, but bluster isn't enough to get what he wants – or is it?

Mr. Trump: do you now understand the ramifications of your anti-mask policies?

Based on three reversals in a short span of time, I’d say that he should be readmitted to Walter Reed for more intensive treatment. And here’s a big plus. I believe they have a world-class psychiatric ward.

Who’s to blame for the lawbreaking and habitat destruction in US fisheries

We disrespect the Earth’s oceans at our own peril.

After mega-lies by Trump adviser Stephen Miller, it’s time to rev up the reality-based...

We have seen these unimaginative scenarios so many times.