Wednesday, September 18, 2024

2016 Presidential Candidates Address Inequality (Sort Of)

Congress never before worried about the "ever-widening chasm" between the rich and the rest of the nation. For Republican presidential candidates, inequality is a top political topic, but their solution are the same old failed tactics.

Political Poison

The Flint lead disaster exposed the callousness of people like Michigan’s governor, who blame the poor for all of their misfortune.

The true path to prosperity

Growth doesn’t “trickle down.” It rises up.

Money, media and the climate crisis

Most voters are in favor of greater economic equality, and a safe long-term future for their grandchildren. We owe it to future generations to act now!

Our #1 objective must be: Drastically reduce the fear and panic among Americans

Fear begets fear, panic begets panic, but only if we allow it to continue to happen.

Trump burning to ban “farcical impeachment circuses,” the “worst partisan bush-whacking”

“Does it make any sense that House impeachment needs only a simple majority but the all-important Senate trial needs two-thirds to convict and remove?

Why I Support Dr. Jill Stein for President

The candidate, seeking the Green Party nomination, is the only presidential hopeful who understands that what's important is not the election—it's the construction of anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist global movements. The building of these movements alone will save us.

A Bird, A Plane? No, It’s Superdelegates!

The Democratic Party's special class of entitled and unelected VIP delegates helps explain what's wrong with the way we choose our presidential candidates.