Tuesday, January 14, 2025

After a year of Biden, why do we still have Trump’s foreign policy?

President Biden and the Democrats were highly critical of President Trump’s foreign policy, so it was reasonable to expect that Biden would...

Videotaping A Crime Is Not A Crime

Videotaping a crime is not a crime. It's a public service. Police harassment of citizens who provide video evidence of police brutality has to stop.

Trump touts long-shot, can’t-lose gambit: ‘How to overcome a rigged, corrupt election? Just Trump...

Honor is due: Time to Make Elections Fair Again. MEFA! Won’t be any harder than building that friggin’ wall.

My hunger strike for Gaza: A 31 day experience

I began this hunger strike to demand that my government end the siege on Gaza.

Making America meaner

A president contributes to setting the norms of our society. Trump is setting them at a new low.

How Trade Deals Boost the Top 1 Percent and Bust the Rest

While the White House thinks a trade deal will help the U.S. contain China’s power and influence, it will actually make global corporations in the U.S. even more powerful and influential than they've already become. The rich keep getting richer.

Obvious conclusions? 3rd Way’s 2020 election analysis

“You get what you organize for.”

‘Ukrainegate’ teaches us more about ourselves than Trump or Biden

As residents in a corrupt, corporate-controlled, imperialist country, we have a responsibility to ourselves and the world to take action to stop the US disastrous foreign policy.

As Hillary Stalls, Where’s the Democratic Bench?

Polling indicates a nasty downward slide spotlighting all things people distrust about Hillary Clinton. So where's the Democratic relief pitcher after the starter bombs and where might this put progressives?

The Suicide of the Liberal Church

The liberal denominations and their seminaries, by betraying the poor, especially people of color, in a desperate bid to stay financially solvent, are making themselves obsolete.