Monday, September 16, 2024

Building the institutions for revolt

No movement will survive unless it is built on the foundation of deep community relationships. Organizers must learn to listen, even to those who do not agree with them.

9/11 Mastermind Urges Unity Between al-Qaida and Islamic State Against Russia and the US...

Al-Zawahiri, a mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks and successor of Bin Laden, is urging for the unity between al-Qaeda and Daesh (ISIS, ISIL) in the face of American, Russian and Shiite forces in Syria. Things just got more complicated for the CIA.

Why Hate Speech by Presidential Candidates is Despicable

In suggesting that the staff of Planned Parenthood, Muslims, Black Lives Matter protesters, and Mexican immigrants are guilty of venal acts, these candidates are fanning the flames of hate.

The Hairball That Gagged a Fracker

Rick Berman is a political consultant who plays so dirty even Big Oil is not interested him. This man takes funding from corporations and uses that money to publicly slam environmentalists, low-wage workers, and any of his enemies.

As Glaciers Melt in Ecuador, Pope Francis Challenges Technocrats, Touts ‘Keeping’ the Environment

Because of global warming, Ecuador could face a water crisis while with their glacier melts. Pope Francis continues to advocate for environmentalism and addresses crowds in Ecuador to educate its citizens.

A summer survival guide for the Trump era

Remember, resistance works best when people come together and work together.    

How Putin Started Winning Big in Syria and Got Europe to Embrace Him

This strategy has been working for Putin. He appears to have rearmed and retrained the Syrian Arab Army, which has new esprit de corps and is making significant headway for the first time in years.

Why We’re All Becoming Independent Contractors

The most significant legal trend in the American workforce is “independent contractors,” which lessens companies' costs of having full-time employees. But is the trend contributing directly to low pay, irregular hours and job insecurity?

Trump’s trickle-down populism

Trickle-down economics dressed in populist garb is still trickle-down economics.

Hunting Hillary: Dim Speaker-to-Be Reveals Select Committee’s Partisan Goal

As the Republican-controlled House revealed yet another committee to investigate Benghazi, is this their way of "hurting Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign?"