Monday, September 16, 2024

Wall Street Banks on Buying the Democrats’ Love

Big money is threatening the Democratic party by saying that major campaign donations are dependent on “a friendlier attitude toward the banks.” This just shows what little respect banks actually have.

Special Delivery for the Plutocrats

Spending by outside groups exploded from about $15 million in 1998 to more than $1 billion in 2012. And between the Clinton coffers and Koch cash, the crisis will get far worse as the 2016 presidential-election season heats up. Doug Hughes hopes to help change this.

On Gas Tax Increase, Obama is Wrong—and (Some) Republicans are Right

People on the right, as well as many on the left, are urging the President to consider an increase in the federal gasoline tax to maintain America's transportation infrastructure and reduce greenhouse gases. Could a "bipartisan" approach be of value to this country?

US Finally Admits It Has No Idea Who It Is Assassinating by Drone (Video)

Even though President Obama gave assurance to drone strikes, the U.S. just recently admitted to not knowing who it was targeting in its recent attack that resulted in an American casualty. Does this war crime characterize the U.S. drone program?

‘Proud Partners’ Corporatize Our Parks

Why are our presidents so good at praising America's national park system, but lousy at maintaining it? Now Park Service officials have begun the "corporatization" process starting with "co-branding" agreements with national parks.

The New Battle of Seattle

While fossil-fuel corporations are exploring the world’s oil, protesters in Seattle are banding together to stop Shell’s plans to drill for oil in the Arctic. And they don't plan on backing down to these catastrophic effects on climate change.

Obama: There Will Be No Mideast NATO, but the U.S. Is Committed to the...

In his speech after the summit, Obama asserted that his Arab guests were reassured about his Iran negotiations, and he reaffirmed US commitment to their security. He also chastised Iran for “meddling” in the region.

The Lonely American

In today's technological day and age it's impossible to build relationships and structures that are vital for civic engagement and resistance to corporate power. Yet, have we been transformed into commodities?

Why Don’t US Media Interview Real Allies on American Policy Regarding the Iran Deal?...

We are hearing about the Iran deal from minor congressmen and senators who have not read through it let alone represent anybody. This doesn't seem like balanced journalism, let alone journalism at all.

On Gaza, most Congress members have been moral failures. Don’t grade them on a...

Capitol Hill remains a friendly place for the Israeli government as it keeps receiving massive arms shipments courtesy of U.S. taxpayers.