Saturday, September 7, 2024

2019 in review: Endless Trump and the rise of radical environmental action

In terms of raising awareness, despite powerful people from the U.S. president on down denying its reality, more and more people throughout the world are taking action to force their governments to confront it.

As our children head back to school, partisan politics threatens their learning and their...

America’s children shouldn’t be held hostage to a partisan political brawl. It’s time we focused solely on their learning and their safety.

Why American workers need the National Labor Relations Board to return to its mission

The demand for representation, increasing even before COVID-19, soared during the pandemic as Americans saw how unions helped their members.

Does the Constitution ban Trump from running again?

Trump could face criminal charges for inciting an insurrection, but that’s not necessary to bar him from the ballot.

The insult wars in Washington

How they blind us to our troubles.

Will the democratic presidential nomination be bought?

With the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination up for grabs, this chance will not come again.

For the good of the party: It’s time for Donna Brazile to go

Brazile's duplicitous behavior is a symbol and symptom of the Democratic Party leadership.

The American Dream: Living to 18

"You don’t want to die in a matter of seconds because of cops.” This has fueled the Black Lives Matter movement across the country and has put the American Dream for our younger generations into better perspective.

Anger Translation: Why Obama Was Ranting Against GOP Climate Policy at Press Dinner

Big Oil, Big Coal and Big Gas have such a strong grip on Congress, helping to avoid climate disruption. And that is why President Obama went into his comedic rant against climate denial at the annual White House Correspondents’ dinner.

This CEO wants a key to your house

Jeff Bezos expects you to pay for the privilege of letting Amazon employees enter your home when you're not there.