Friday, January 10, 2025

Andergachew Tsige, Ethiopian Brutality, British Apathy

At what point, does neglect in the face of injustice and abuse become complicity? If a Government allows illegal detention and the violation of international justice to take place and says and acts not, are they not guilty in aiding and abetting such actions?

Hate Doesn’t Pay

If Indiana doesn't want to be remembered for being a "bastion of hatred," why did Gov. Mike Pence legalize the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)? Hatred is a poison, but organized action is the antidote.

A Thumping Cruz-a-palooza

The more Ted Cruz campaigns for the 2016 presidential nomination the more we see he fabricates facts to "foment fear among the fringiest right-wingers." While he's calling for "a time for truth," he can't even imagine the truth.

Imagine Cruz as President

Ted Cruz is getting a head start on all the other wannabes seeking the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. But can this nation really "imagine" him as president? He will be just another fool for the history books.

The Rise of the Working Poor and the Non-Working Rich

There is a widening inequality between the working poor and the non-working rich. The ideal that America’s growing inequality is often justified doesn’t hold up—instead, it's undermining the moral foundations of American capitalism.

No One Is Free Until All Are Free

Women and girls will only begin to join the liberation movement when they are liberated. Chris Hedges discusses the fight to end male violence against women. It's time it takes primacy in our own struggle.

Country Music, Tea Party ‘Populism,’ and Ted Cruz

The billionaire-backed funding for Ted Cruz comes from those the billionaire-backed groups and individuals that oppose raising the minimum wage, or even the existence of a minimum wage, want to gut Medicare, Social Security and unemployment benefits, and want to reduce their own taxes even more.

You Owe Us, Corporations: Four Reasons Why, and One Way to Pay

Because corporations have used our resources to develop technologies that are gradually reducing the need for human involvement, and because all of us have contributed to our national productivity, either directly or through our parents and grandparents, we all deserve to benefit.

For Rent: The GOP’s No. 3

How long has Rep. Steve Scalise been involved in Congress' take-and-give game with lobbyists? Ever since he starting writing the rules that give such corruption a pass. As Scalise puts it, he must “keep and expand our [Republican] majority in Congress.”

The Costs of War, the Price of Peace

A new report, "Body Count", asserts that up to 1.3 million people have been killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan in the first 10 years of the so-called war on terror. When will the cost of war be too much even for the people making money off of it?