Monday, September 16, 2024

Kitchen logic: Don’t let Trump’s GOP privatize America

Why privatize our national patrimony when we have the money to repair it ourselves?

The secret health care bill

If this shameful bill is enacted, McConnell and Trump – as well as every Republican senator who signs on – will bear the burden of hundreds of thousands of deaths

Self-made minefields doom GOP scams – what doesn’t boomerang?

Scanning ahead, what major talking points or legislative agendas won’t end badly for Republicans, whether passed or not? Doubling-down, the reflexive GOP way, now invites double-jeopardy, especially as the Trump/Rightwing keeps marching into its own self-made political mine field.

Why Isn’t Everyone In Favor of Taxing Financial Speculation?

Wall Street Insiders who trade on confidential information unavailable to small investors don’t improve the productivity of financial markets. They just rig the game for themselves.

A Farewell to Arms? Not on Your Life!

"In non-medical cases, firearms may soon cause more death than motor vehicle accidents." Guns have long been a leading cause of non-medical deaths throughout the U.S.— far more more than any other developing country. It's the scary reality.

Worshiping markets, genuflecting to grand fortune

Our conventional political wisdom, here in the United States, tends to see utopians as lefty egalitarians of one sort or another, clueless...

A big day for Trump’s budget pick, Social Security – and millionaires

“We have a president who ran on a set of principles that he would not cut Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid, yet he is nominating someone whose views are very, very different.”

‘We Are Writing the Rules,’ Says Obama. Who’s ‘We’?

President Obama is using a sales pitch to get the public and Congress to "swallow the glob of global corporate greed known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership." But why is he acting for these self-serving corporate powers?

Why is Barack Obama the best?

Looking back at the flaws of past presidents, one can understand why Obama is the best. Because by comparison, he looks sterling.

How the National Infrastructure Program boosts workers across the economy

The life-changing impact of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure program.