Monday, September 16, 2024

How Obama’s ‘All of the Above’ Politics Led to the Rise of Bernie Sanders...

The feeling that Obama’s administration was in many ways a continuation of rather than a break with Bush is one of the things impelling voters on both sides of the aisle to support mavericks. Here are what Juan Cole see as turning points in Obama’s gradual betrayal of hope and change.

Republican Scott Walker Pitches a Possible Syria War to Make Us Like Him

Scott Walker, the GOP hopeful, is using the idea of a ground war in Syria as an attractive campaign promise. But what does he think Americans will gain from a Syria war launched by the leader of Wisconsin?

Republicans or Social Security? It’s an Easy Choice

"Saving Social Security for future generations is far more popular than any of them ever will be." So remember that this is the best financial decision and vote accordingly.

Idea for Tackling Inequality Number 27,653: Stop Subsidizing It

Washington assumes that inequality is something that happened. By contrast, the more obvious story is that inequality is something that was done through policies that redistributed income upward.

Green Energy Is Surging and You’ll Never Guess Why

Many countries around the world have adopted wind and solar power for their electricity needs displacing hydrocarbons at a fast rate. Juan Cole highlights the stories illustrating the surge.

Letting Deadly Bosses off the Hook

Corporate giants have hatched a scheme to stiff employees hurt or even killed on the job. Now national corporations have launched an initiative to gut our nation’s workers compensation program by allowing companies to opt out of it.

Who Counts?

Tom Engelhardt explores body counts, drones and “collateral damage” in the twenty-first-century world of drone warfare. But one question reigns supreme: Who counts?

GOP Climate Denial Syndrome Sweeps Wisconsin

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker recently imposed a "gag order" prohibiting public lands workers from talking about climate change while on the job. The worst part about it, Walker wants to be the next president of the U.S.

Thank You, Edward Snowden: An End to General Warrants as So-Called Patriot Act Expires

We've taken a few baby steps back toward democracy after the expiration of the misnamed “PATRIOT Act” gives restoration to Americans’ privacy. But if it wasn't for the revelations of Edward Snowden, we would have never known.

A Perfect Portrait of Corporate Crime

Martin Winterkorn, VW’s disgraced CEO, was forced to resign after the auto maker's eco-friendly diesel cars actually polluted the air more than allowed by law. Finally, a CEO must pay the consequences for betraying consumers and the environment?