Monday, September 16, 2024

The Real Threat to America (Hint: It’s Not Socialism)

The Koch brothers have plans to spend close to $900 million in 2016 to keep Republicans in control of Congress and hopefully get a conservative as president. Is their threat "intent upon seizing power in a nonviolent coup?"

A Whining Wall Street Banker Pleads for Pity

JP Morgan is facing another multi-billion dollar fine for massive illegalities. But why is John Pierpont Morgan whining about the most recent fine? He's never actually had to pay the price and go to jail.

Wall Street’s Threat to the American Middle Class

It's nice that presidential aspirants are talking about rebuilding America’s middle class. But in order to do so, they have to take direct aim at Wall Street, the ones that finance their campaigns.

Killing Ragheads for Jesus

It's debated that the movie, “American Sniper,” showcases despicable aspects of U.S. society—our gun culture, blind adoration for the military and innate privileges as Christians. Does the movie cater to a "deep sickness rippling through our society?"

A Breakdown of the Top Foreign Policy Points in Obama’s Speech

While he slighted foreign policy during his State of the Union speech, President Obama has avoided new conventional wars. Here are a few other foreign policy highlights worth underlining.

Super Bowl for the Rich: Upper-Class 91, Middle-Class 9

The super-rich team tries to convince us that all is well with America's economy. Because to them, it's all a game and the middle-class keeps losing.

Israel’s Netanyahu Was Imported by GOP to Ensure a War With Iran

John Boehner secretly invited Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Washington to help him craft a super-majority in Congress to join his veto over-ride effort of Obama's new sanctions on Iran. Will he succeed?

Is it Too Late to Save the Planet?

Our planet's ecosystem is under duress and human activity and human behavior as the main culprits. It's time our species stops contributing to the problem and starts becoming the solution.

More and War

So many tax dollars have been spent on the further militarization of the country. We no longer have the slightest idea what life might be like if, instead of 17 significant intelligence outfits, we had just two of them, or even one.

Imagine Something Different

“The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong,” President Obama assured us. From whose lives has the shadow of crisis passed? And for whom is this Union strong?