Wednesday, September 18, 2024

VIDEO: The Middle East Policy of President Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders said that a "war with Iran should be avoided at all costs." And he opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq and advised the U.S. to get out of Afghanistan in 2011. So where are going with all this? Here is a look at the Middle East policy of "President Bernie Sanders."

Super Bowl Sickness

Is the Super Bowl just an overhyped, overpriced spectacle that makes America look stupid in the eyes of the rest of the world? Here are six reasons why Thomas Magstadt thinks it's "enough to make an otherwise healthy person sick."

What Moved Marriage Equality from Taboo to Justice?

It's an inspiring story of our society's continuing struggle to evolve toward dignity and mutual respect. And on June 26, the Supreme Court helped evolve our country toward dignity and mutual respect as well as love.

The Other Charlies

In the wake of the violence in France, people from around the world expressed solidarity with the victims, and with the people of France. Although the world leaders posed for a photo op to show they were there, it was the people who led the day.

A Haven from the Animal Holocaust

Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen is an animal sanctuary for rescuing farm animals. Because the abuse of animals at the hands of factory farm operators is unfathomable and “we are saying they are as important as any other individual.”

Throwing Public Education Under the Bus

Now the small-minded budget slashers won’t even pay for bus rides? It's time we invest fully in public education to get the future we want for our children.

The Nincompoop Caucus Sets a Record

Lawmakers are doing all they can to eliminate healthcare coverage for people on Obamacare. Republicans have voted more than 56 times to take away health coverage for previously uninsured people. This is absurd.

Déjà vu in Central Europe: Ukraine Between East and West

Putin’s strategy is to "reconstitute the Old Russian Empire" and what remains of Ukraine's territorial integrity is threatening the overall peace in Europe. It seems the crisis will not end until Putin is stopped. So who will stop him?

Trump’s Slur Stokes Phony Fury

While Donald Trump continues to be a loud-mouthed celebrity's gaffe, Jeb Bush's feigned outrage over Trumps comments of John McCain not being a "war hero" puts him in the same category— a sanctimonious fraud.

Chicago’s Taxpayer-Funded Ode to Robber Barons

Even though George Pullman was a feudalistic 19th-century profiteer, he considered himself a beneficent employer as he suppressed the wages of his factory workers. In current times, is our tax money going to finance a monument for his greed?