Friday, January 10, 2025

US Finally Admits It Has No Idea Who It Is Assassinating by Drone (Video)

Even though President Obama gave assurance to drone strikes, the U.S. just recently admitted to not knowing who it was targeting in its recent attack that resulted in an American casualty. Does this war crime characterize the U.S. drone program?

Who Counts?

Tom Engelhardt explores body counts, drones and “collateral damage” in the twenty-first-century world of drone warfare. But one question reigns supreme: Who counts?

The Five-Step Process to Privatize Everything

At the heart of privatization, people take from society, demand freedom and defund government. But the belief that self-centeredness will benefit everyone is backwards—it's time for great individuals to emerge from cooperative efforts.

Genocide: It’s Not Just for Nazis, Folks…

Are we to believe that there was only one instance of genocide in modern history? The truth is that the crime of genocide played a major role in the development of the United States of America.

Trans Pacific Trickle-Down Economics

If we allow the Trans-Pacific Partnership to pass, big corporations and Wall Street will be the only ones who will benefit. The idea that trickle-down economics will occur if this bill passes is a myth.

VIDEO: The Middle East Policy of President Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders said that a "war with Iran should be avoided at all costs." And he opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq and advised the U.S. to get out of Afghanistan in 2011. So where are going with all this? Here is a look at the Middle East policy of "President Bernie Sanders."

The Political Roots of Widening Inequality

The trend toward widening inequality in America can only be reversed if we all join together to demand fundamental change. While the political competition isn't between the right and the left, it's between the majority of Americans and an economic elite.

Are Baltimore’s Protests the Prelude to a Revolution?

Baltimore’s riots have become an uprising. The people have demanded to be heard, and now, the city, state and federal government have to listen. The real fight is just beginning.

A Century of Women Working for Peace

Deeply committed peace activists from around the globe gathered in The Hague, Amsterdam this week marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of WILPF, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, where women have been working for peace for more than a century.

Wall Street Banks on Buying the Democrats’ Love

Big money is threatening the Democratic party by saying that major campaign donations are dependent on “a friendlier attitude toward the banks.” This just shows what little respect banks actually have.