Let the media coverage of Manchester victims be a model for all young victims...
“These terrorist attacks are not confined to Europe. They take place every single day in Iraq, in Syria, in Afghanistan, in Pakistan and Yemen, Bahrain.”
The tax bill is a lifeline for Democrats. Will they sink or swim?
For Democrats to win in 2018 and 2020, they’ll need to do more than tie this bill around the Republicans’ ankles and hope they sink.
Biden’s Israel policy has led us to the brink of war on Iran
How Biden's unconditional support for Israel's expanding war with its neighbors has brought the United States to the brink of war with Iran.
On Syria And Skittles, Demagogues And The Damned
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
When the KKK murdered my childhood friend
We must never give in to cruelty and violence. It is incumbent on all of us to stand up to bullies and be each other’s protectors.
The Sanders Sensation
Bernie’s people-powered movement has already shattered one of the Democratic establishment’s holy myths.
The first step to fixing the electoral college
If we keep up the fight and get enough states on board, America will never again elect a president who loses the national popular vote.
Hollow men: All the cowards of Jan. 6
I propose that we alter the American idiom “to haul ass” from now on, substituting “to hawley ass.”
America last
Will Trump set a record for the history books?
Pope Francis’ Call to Host Refugees Contrasts with America’s Anti-Immigrant ‘Religious Right’ (Video)
Was Pope Francis’ call to host refugees a slam against the anti-immigrant right wing? Many American Christian leaders aren't too keen when it comes to the issue of Syrian refugees being accepted by the U.S.